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TitlePassive Seismic Monitoring of a Flow Test in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
AuthorJarpe, S. P.; Kasameyer, P. W.; Johnston, C.
AffiliationLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Volume TitleThe Geysers--Three Decades of Achievement: A Window on the Future
JournalGeothermal Resources Council Transactions
PublisherGeothermal Resources Council
Publication PlaceDavis, California
SubjectsWell testing; Flow testing; Microseismicity; Seismic noise surveys
KeywordsExploration; Reservoir Engineering; Research Agencies; USA; California; Imperial; Salton Sea; Seismic Noise; Flow Test; Microearthquakes; Injection; LLL; SSSDP; Arrays; Impulsive; Continuous
Document TypeText
NoteGeothermal Resources Council 1989 Annual Meeting, October 1-4, 1989, Santa Rosa, California
ISSN/ISBNISSN: 0193-5933; ISBN: 0-934412-65-0
GRC ID#1001788