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TitleCollab Fracture Characterization: Preliminary Results from the Modeling and Flow Testing of Experiment 1
AuthorMattson, Earl; White, Mark; Zhang, Yingqi; Johnston, Bud; Hawkins, Adam; et al.
AffiliationIdaho National Laboratory; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Stanford University
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Volume TitleGeothermal's Role in Today's Energy Market
JournalGeothermal Resources Council Transactions
PublisherGeothermal Resources Council
Publication PlaceDavis, California
SubjectsHDR/EGS; COLLAB; Flow testing; Tracer testing; Fractures
KeywordsEnhanced Geothermal Systems; EGS Collab; Sanford Underground Research Facility; fracture characterization; tracer breakthrough analysis; experimental; field test; flow test
Document TypeDigital Collection
ISSN/ISBNISSN: 0193-5933; ISBN: 0-934412-23-5
GRC ID#1034042