Title | Hydrogeological Conceptual Model for the Casiri-Kallapuma Geothermal Zone, Tacna, Perú |
Author | Velarde, Yuliana; Cruz, Vicentina; Condori, Edwin |
Affiliation | Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico |
PDF | yes - members only! |
Volume Title | Clean, Renewable and Always On |
Journal | Geothermal Resources Council Transactions |
Volume | 44 |
Pages | 1362 |
Year | 2020 |
Publisher | Geothermal Resources Council |
Publication Place | Davis, California |
Subjects | Reservoir modeling; Hydrgeology |
Keywords | Hydrogeology; conceptual model; Perú; Casiri-Kallapuma |
Geographic Terms | Peru |
Document Type | Digital Collection |
Language | English |
Note | Abstract only |
GRC ID# | 1034360 |
Permalink | https://www.geothermal-library.org/index.php?mode=pubs&action=view&record=1034360 |